Thursday, March 20, 2014


I am told today is the first day of spring.... The thermometer says it is 36* here at 11 am.  That sure doesn't sound like spring to me!!  And all those spring flowers- pretty sure they are still in hiding.  But, I am sure that come July, I'll be begging for 36*!! :)

We ended the winter with 2 weeks if vacation.  Our family spent a few days at Red River Gorge here in Kentucky.  If you have not been to the Natural Bridge, it is pretty amazing to see!!

The first week of March is the last week of off season so its much more economical to go then.  You do, however, run the risk of inclement weather.  This year, the snow and ice were so thick, they had to move us to a different part of the cabin park.  There were only a few roads that were absolutely harrowing, but it was enough to make me glad we changed cabins!

Our new cabin had a loft with 4 twin beds.  Our children were convinced this was a personal play land.  And surprisingly, only three or four items came sailing over the railing and none of them were human- so momma was happy.

We weren't able to do too much hiking.  Between the snow and my being 6 months pregnant.  We did see a few beautiful sights and the kids got to watch a Smokey the Bear video at the Nature Center (Smokey has changed a little since I was little!).

Later, when Ryan wanted to start a fire and was trying to throw things in just to see if they would burn, I asked if he remembered the fire video.  He said, "Yup, the bear said not to make the fire in the leaves and not to throw things in when a grown up wasn't around.  This fire is in the fire spot & there are lots of grownups here.". I think he missed something.

The second week of March, the kids and I went to Jasper, Alabama to a cabin on Smith Lake for a small Henderson family reunion.  It was great to see my siblings and meet their children!  The house and lake were beautiful!!  I wish it had been a bit warmer so we could enjoy the water a little more, but after taking Zachary to the boat dock and realizing he has absolutely no fear of water, it was probably better this way!! 

The last 2 days we were there, the weather warmed up and we were able to do some hiking in the Bankhead National Forrest.  They found some nice, short trails to accommodate the pregnant lady and preschoolers.  It is definitely a place I would love to do more hiking.

We had a great two weeks of travel, but it is nice to get back to normal...if that is possible around here!! :)