Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Youth, where hast thou gone?

Last week, I celebrated another birthday.  I like birthdays, really.  Not necessarily the aging that happens between them, but I love birthdays.  This year, my kids made it a great day by making me paper presents all day.  My oldest (age 4 1/2) is getting pretty handy with his safety scissors and made birthday hats and badges for the entire family,  I even wore my hat out to dinner and bowling.  And my husband finally acknowledged my true identity by getting me super hero knee socks--complete with little capes!  It was a great way to greet 31!

I kissed another year goodbye, and looked forward to the one to come.  I wondered where on earth all these years had gone.  I guess reflecting is a normal thing to do on a birthday.  I was awed and amazed to look back and see so clearly the work of God weaving the strands of my life together to form this very spot in time!  Working through circumstances and people to direct and redirect my path that put me here- in Louisville, KY, married to this wonderful, godly man, and mothering these two amazing children.  My successes taught me a little, my mistakes and failures taught me much.  My prayers have gotten stronger and I hope my knees are a little weaker.  So, where has my youth gone?  It hasn't gone anywhere.  It's still here, making up me-and I don't think I'd change a thing. 

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